Tag Archive: colorful

We all appreciate the beauty of a flower at first glance, but have you really looked at that flower?

I love taking macro photos of objects like flowers because it’s like being transported into a strange and foreign world. Allow yourself to be transformed to the size of bee and come check out these flowers with me, lol!

Be sure to click on the thumbnail to open the gallery

Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

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Listen2Thea’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Listen2Thea-Wildlife-Photography-More/236253616466167?ref=ts

Rare Sighting-Evening Grosbeak Male

 I was surprised to look out my window and see this large yellow, brown , black, white, bird at my feeders–and then there were TWO!

I hadn’t ever seen these birds before so I was very excited! I’ve read my Birds of Western NY Book over and over again and so I’m familiar with everything in that book and knew I was seeing something rare for my area.

Hurricane Sandy had just gone thru the area so I thought perhaps it was blown in!

The large bill reminded me of the Rose Breasted Grosbeak which we have frequently, so I just did a search under Grosbeak and sure enough I found my new birds!

These colorful creatures are called Evening Grosbeak and they are males by the looks of it!
Learn all about the Evening Grosbeak at:


Yellow brow markings look like a W

Size comparison

Backside Coloring

Male Evening Grosbeak

See the bird in action in this video I captured:


Do you have any migratory birds that come to your feeders in winter where you live?


Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

Be sure to LIKE my Facebook page to see exclusive photos right on your newsfeed!
Listen2Thea’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Listen2Thea-Wildlife-Photography-More/236253616466167?ref=ts