Tag Archive: birds

While late February gave us an old fashioned winter storm that resulted in this:


Heavy snowfall


The picnic table is almost buried!


It also seemed to bring in the birds who happily gobbled up the sunflower seeds!

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Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

In early February the male Cardinals colors are bold and bright.


He looks downright dashing in his black mask doesn’t he? lol!

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But the female Cardinal is a beauty of her own!

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Be sure to LIKE my Facebook page to see exclusive photos right on your newsfeed!
Listen2Thea’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Listen2Thea-Wildlife-Photography-More/236253616466167?ref=ts

Sign up and enter your own photo for the Weekly Photo Challenge!
More info at the Daily Post here:


Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

Rare Sighting-Evening Grosbeak Male

 I was surprised to look out my window and see this large yellow, brown , black, white, bird at my feeders–and then there were TWO!

I hadn’t ever seen these birds before so I was very excited! I’ve read my Birds of Western NY Book over and over again and so I’m familiar with everything in that book and knew I was seeing something rare for my area.

Hurricane Sandy had just gone thru the area so I thought perhaps it was blown in!

The large bill reminded me of the Rose Breasted Grosbeak which we have frequently, so I just did a search under Grosbeak and sure enough I found my new birds!

These colorful creatures are called Evening Grosbeak and they are males by the looks of it!
Learn all about the Evening Grosbeak at:


Yellow brow markings look like a W

Size comparison

Backside Coloring

Male Evening Grosbeak

See the bird in action in this video I captured:


Do you have any migratory birds that come to your feeders in winter where you live?


Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

Be sure to LIKE my Facebook page to see exclusive photos right on your newsfeed!
Listen2Thea’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Listen2Thea-Wildlife-Photography-More/236253616466167?ref=ts

How truly sweet life must be…
to be a free spirit like this
hummingbird I see.
Darting about from flower to flower,
just to sip the sweet nectar that each has to offer.

Be sure to LIKE my Facebook page to see exclusive photos right on your newsfeed!
Listen2Thea’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Listen2Thea-Wildlife-Photography-More/236253616466167?ref=ts

Sign up and enter your own photo for the Weekly Photo Challenge!
More info at the Daily Post here:


Now, Listen to Thea and have yourself a Great Day!!!
~Thea 🙂

What is the color of your emotion? Do certain colors make you feel happy or sad?
I love how color, color depth or lack there of, can change how you feel about a picture.
Here’s some examples from my latest photos. You may click on each photo which will open into a larger photo, then click your back button to return.
Which pictures speak the loudest to you?

Framed Spotted Fawn with tongue out

Black & White photo of Spotted Fawn with tongue out

Framed Black & White Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed Black & White Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed spotted fawn

Framed spotted fawn

Black and White Framed Fox Photograph

Framed Red Fox

Framed HDR Toned Red Fox

Sharp-shinned Hawk framed within the Trellis

All of these photos were taken in my backyard, and could be seen by looking out the window in our living room. If you enjoyed your visit today, please share my blog with someone you know who enjoys wildlife. 🙂

The Hawks have been all around the pool lately, I caught one walking across the solar cover and another using the slide!

Sharp Shinned Hawk Crop

As the parents teach their young one how to hunt, I’m glad to say I haven’t seen them be successful yet. Not that they haven’t been mind you, I just didn’t bare witness to any successful attacks. But I do enjoy watching them zoom around the yard, and listening to the sound of them calling back and forth to each other.
Don’t forget to shake your tail feathers!
Follow me on Facebook at Listen2Thea Wildlife Photography and More

I’ve been watching for a couple of weeks now a pair of Sharp-shinned Hawk’s which has been really interesting. The little birds give them away with their squawks of alert whenever the hawks are around and I like seeing the hawks but I’m cheering for the little birds and yell at the hawks when they are coming in for an attack. Today, to my surprise there were three hawks, one of them being a young hawk that they are trying to teach to hunt. The young one was very chatty, squeaking and squawking and I was able to get some good pictures of him after his failed attempt at capturing one of the little birds. He sat in the tree in open view for a good 10 minutes before flying back with his parents. Here’s some of the photos I captured of him.

After the wrens destroyed the eggs of the Bluebirds first nest, they moved to a new house–actually the house they used last year and built a new nest. They’ve been insistently tapping at all our windows since their first nest was attacked, no matter if I cover a window so they can’t see their reflection, they just move to a different window. Not only could I not cover all the windows in my house but it was starting to become annoying as it sets our dogs barking up a storm. I know they’re supposed to be attacking their reflection, but it was obvious that they could see right into the house and would sometimes just sit on the window sill and look into the living room! I think they may have learned their lesson though as our garage window was open and instead of tapping on the window the male flew right in—to his surprise I’m sure! Of course he couldn’t figure out how to get back out right away and was quite frightened. I opened the garage door but he didn’t fly out that way either. After a few minutes he left the way he came in and since then they’ve been much more wary about tapping on the windows! 🙂
Today I decided to check the nest and I’m happy to report 4 babies that seem to be doing well. I’ll try to get more pictures when I take them out to check for Blow Fly larva attacking them. Here’s their first picture for you enjoy.

Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of their summer! Unfortunately we have been plagued with one form of a cold after another and passing it back and forth between family members. It has been quite miserable all in all, but as the kids last day of school approaches I’m looking forward to the summer more and more!
Have a great day and thanks for listening to Thea!

Wretched Wrens

The Bluebirds haven’t stopped their tapping on the windows, although now sometimes they just sit on the window sill looking inside. I decided to check the nest as they seem to be paying more attention to what’s going on in my house than their own.

With heavy heart I’m sad to say there are only 2 out of the 5 eggs in it now. Perhaps that’s why they were tapping at the windows because they were upset their eggs had gone missing. I decided to check the Chickadee nest too and it was empty other than the nest itself. After carefully inspecting the ground around the nest I did find one Chickadee egg and one Bluebird egg that had a holes poked in it.

Bluebird egg 😦

Today I noticed a Wren going into the Chickadee’s house. Wrens apparently are known for destroying other cavity nesting birds eggs and even throwing babies out of the nest, but it is the first time it has ever happened here. Usually the wrens arrive first and pick their houses, but for whatever reasons, they arrived after the Bluebird and Chickadee already set up residence this year. Normally, you know me, I love all the birds, but right now I could wring the Wrens neck! There are plenty of empty birdhouses left around the property that they could have chosen.
I’ve been watching and I haven’t seen the Chickadee even going to the nest box anymore and I was so excited as it’s the first time one has nested in my birdhouses. And even more so, I’m concerned that the Bluebirds aren’t tending to the two eggs that are left in the nest. They seem to be checking all the birdhouses looking for their eggs or possibly to set up a new nest. And of course still spending a large part of the day tapping or just sitting and looking in my window.

I went to a website to see if there was anything I could do and there’s a video of a wren destroying eggs and another actually removing newborn Bluebirds from their nest. Luckily the home owner had a live camera in the bird house and happened to be watching it at the time it happened and they were able to go outside, find the baby bluebirds and place them back into the nest.

There were some suggestions I guess I’m going to have to try. The wrens already have two nest boxes occupied and after reading from the Sialis.org site I’m thinking part of the problem may be that we had to re-secure the post the wrens current bird house is attached to this year and when my husband did it he changed the direction slightly that the bird house faces-so that now the other birdhouses are in a direct line of sight. So I’m headed outside to see if I can rotate the post so the wrens birdhouse doesn’t face any other birdhouse.

Check it out the Sialis website for some interesting reading

I’m hopeful that the Bluebirds will take care of their eggs or at least build another nest and that everything will work out. Right now I’m feeling pretty down though.

This week it seems like the wild life has been trying to get my attention. For two days straight the Blue birds have been tapping at my windows. They can see me standing right on the other side and they don’t care. If I close the curtains, because my three Dachshunds and cat are in high alert with all the tapping, they just move to a different window.

I finally got a couple of pictures of the sneaky fox! It had come out on the hillside to play, pouncing on something, picked it up in his mouth and then set it down to pounce on again!

Having a good scratch!

This frog was on our pool cover singing up a storm, I wanted to get picture and video of his amazing throat while he sang which he had no problem doing with me shining the flash light on him but as soon as brought the camera out he got stage fright and swam away.

Thanks for listening to Thea and have a Great Weekend!