Tag Archive: Eastern Bluebird

Today I checked on the nest and I’m happy to report I’ve got babies!!! 🙂
We started off with 5 eggs and although I can’t see all of them in the picture I’m hoping the one on the bottom is fine. I tried finding a bluebird monitoring book but the only one I could find was written by the Bluebird Society and published several years ago and apparently are all out of print. The used books are going for over $100.!! YIKES!
From what I read on the web they suggest you pick the babies up and check them for bugs although I don’t feel very comfortable doing such a thing. Bluebirds apparently have a poor sense of smell so touching the birds wont deter the parents from raising them. I am curious about the one buried underneath all the other ones but I’m just not ready for that step yet.
I feel like a proud step parent right now!

After surviving a long bleak winter, the color explosion of Spring is always a long-awaited event!

The white canvas of snow melts away revealing patchy yellow-green grass, not exactly pretty but the first signs of Spring.

My Spring bulbs emerge from the ground but have yet to show their flowers when the first real colors of Spring arrive…

The Eastern Bluebird!

The male Bluebird sits on top of the house as the female inspects the inside.

This picture was actually taken thru my kitchen window as I was afraid I’d spook them before I got the picture if I opened the door.

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