Tag Archive: Fox

Day two Baby foxes 019These cuties are always wrestling with each other! There is one that seems to play and then will go to check on what it’s momma is doing and then runs back and plays some more!





fox babies 030

I was excited when I noticed a fox at the top of the hill and at first I thought it was playing with a woodchuck!

Then I realized, they were baby foxes just charcoal colored! What got me extremely excited was when I realized she had dug out a den right there, where I can sit at my computer looking out the window and watch them! Granted it’s a far reach even for my camera, but I’m going to try a longer lens tomorrow for hopefully clearer photos.

Day two Baby foxes 015


Day two Baby foxes 017


What is the color of your emotion? Do certain colors make you feel happy or sad?
I love how color, color depth or lack there of, can change how you feel about a picture.
Here’s some examples from my latest photos. You may click on each photo which will open into a larger photo, then click your back button to return.
Which pictures speak the loudest to you?

Framed Spotted Fawn with tongue out

Black & White photo of Spotted Fawn with tongue out

Framed Black & White Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed Black & White Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed Sharp-shinned Hawk

Framed spotted fawn

Framed spotted fawn

Black and White Framed Fox Photograph

Framed Red Fox

Framed HDR Toned Red Fox

Sharp-shinned Hawk framed within the Trellis

All of these photos were taken in my backyard, and could be seen by looking out the window in our living room. If you enjoyed your visit today, please share my blog with someone you know who enjoys wildlife. 🙂

This week it seems like the wild life has been trying to get my attention. For two days straight the Blue birds have been tapping at my windows. They can see me standing right on the other side and they don’t care. If I close the curtains, because my three Dachshunds and cat are in high alert with all the tapping, they just move to a different window.

I finally got a couple of pictures of the sneaky fox! It had come out on the hillside to play, pouncing on something, picked it up in his mouth and then set it down to pounce on again!

Having a good scratch!

This frog was on our pool cover singing up a storm, I wanted to get picture and video of his amazing throat while he sang which he had no problem doing with me shining the flash light on him but as soon as brought the camera out he got stage fright and swam away.

Thanks for listening to Thea and have a Great Weekend!

Creative Flow Here I Go!

Feeling restless and creative, I decided to paint a new bird house and repaint an old bird house. All of the birdhouses that I buy are sold specifically as bluebird houses which open on the front. The hole is up quite high on the front which usually makes it a challenge when deciding what to paint on it. I already have several bird houses with cats or squirrels with their mouths open awaiting birdies to fly in… I decided to try my luck at painting a fairy type theme. I’ve never drawn or painted a fairy, elf or gnome before but I think all in all they turned out pretty good! I still have to do a final clear coat which will protect it and will give it a nice gloss look to it as the paints I’m using are matte. I’ve used latex gloss paints before which I prefer, but these art paints were so much cheaper and came in so many more colors that I couldn’t resist trying them out.

Here’s my fairy themed one–what do you think?

Here’s my other birdhouse -This is the first birdhouse I’ve painted white flowers on the front for a little variety.

This is my first ducky

Red Fox under the moon

Several people have encouraged me to sell my birdhouses, but my downfall is never knowing how much I would charge for my creations. Just as a survey, would this be something you’d be interested in buying for yourself or a bird lover you know and how much would you feel would be a reasonable amount to pay for one?

Thanks for stopping by and listening to Thea! 🙂

I’m pleased to say that we have a pair of baby foxes this year!
I noticed last week a little fox watching me from the top of the hill in the tall grass. It would seem that by the time I noticed him watching me he would then disappear back into the woods. Since that time, I’ve now seen two of them but they still have been so stealthy that I wasn’t ever able to get a picture of them…till today!
They are getting more and more comfortable with watching us move around and came out from the edge of the woods to play in the tall grass a bit. We have all kinds of crickets, grasshoppers and other bugs that are allot of fun to try and catch for a young fox!
Here is a few of the pictures I was able to get but remember this is shot through the window, using my telephoto lens and so the pictures aren’t nearly as sharp as I would like.

On a side note, Mamma Doe finally brought her fawns out into the open, unfortunately it was the same time I letting two out two of our mini Dachshunds and they barked at them which made them quickly turn around and head back into the woods. 😦 Hopefully she’ll bring them out again soon and I can get some pictures.