Tag Archive: Poetry


I am not here, I am not there, I am not anywhere.
Tired of trying, tired of crying, tired of hiding.
Trying to cope on my own, trying to find my way home.
I give up, I give in, my head is in a spin.
Breathe in, Breath out, scream and shout.
No one hears your cries of pain, stuff it down inside again.
Put on your happy face smile…you’d think they would know it’s fake after awhile, but that would take someone to notice, someone to care, someone to see you’re even there.
You’ll be forgotten before you’re ever remembered.
My heart aches, my soul wants to escape.

I was inspired to write this poem when I found out a local teenage girl in my sons grade had committed suicide. I did not know this girl but when I was a teenager myself, one of my friends committed suicide. It’s one of those things that leaves its mark upon you, like a scar on your shin from a fall as a child. As time passes the scar fades but is never completely gone.

My thoughts and prayers go out to her family & friends.

You Said You Would Always Be There You said you would always be there… But where were you today? You hung yourself on the playground… The place we used to play. We shared each others secrets… Said we would take them to the grave. I never would have promised… If I knew you would misbehave. You kept your secret from me and now I’m all alone, Why couldn’t you just call me, just pick up the telephone. I said I would be there for you, but you never gave me a chance, Now who am I going … Read More

via Blogalicious

In the Spring time the remaining dirty snow melts away and everything emerges from the ground fresh and new.
Love lingers in the air as Valentines Day still remains in the corners of our memory.

Anticipation grows as the days begin to get longer and the energy from the sun fuels our souls.


Spring flowers begin emerging filling our senses with color and life.
The morning starts its day with song as the birds return from their winter homes.
The air hangs with the sweet smell of Hyacinths.


The power of attraction is at an all time high.
Without even meaning to you exude pheromones that make the opposite sex aware of you as soon as you enter a room.


But a piece of advice my friends…


Don’t Rush The Moment…


Make it last.


Take time to impress the one you’re looking to love.


Stop time, and dwell within the feelings…




Let yourself go primal!   😀


So tell me, have you been woo’d lately?

For a bit of comedy and for you wildlife lovers out there, as an example of Spring Love and wooing, I made a video that shows Spring critters trying to impress each other to be their mate.  The male has chewed the bark off the bottom of the tree, spread his scent along some branches and climbs up a tree, all to Woo his prespective mate. The female chases him away, and tries to ignore him until he turns the tables on her and moves a little bit away and acts like he’s ignoring her! This of course peaks her interests even more and she comes right to his house to check out the things he’s done to impress her.

This video was made by taking Trail Camera pictures that we captured when the camera was activated by movement.  These are real wildlife pictures captured in sequence as they happened. 

Just so you know what you’re looking at:
There are two holes one in front of the other, the male at the front hole and the female at the rear.

I’ve added music and certain key words go along with what is happening on the screen adding an extra comical spark to the video so turn on your speakers to enjoy it more!

I envision the male critter singing this song to the female critter, he’s the one you’ll see first as he’s looking for an available love 😉



Thanks for Listening to Thea

Isn’t it nice that we all have this opportunity to reach out to one another, share similar thoughts and ideas,

Fueling each others creativity and motivating us to do more, be more.

Why is it such a powerful thing, speaking your thoughts out into the universe?

Why is it perfect strangers can inspire you and give you support, to greater lengths than some people you actually know?

♥        ♥           ♥         ♥          ♥         ♥        ♥          ♥        ♥          ♥             ♥             ♥           ♥           ♥          ♥          ♥            ♥            ♥           ♥           

Speak from the heart,

Lay it all on the line,

Don’t give up and give it some time.

Today is a new day and tomorrow will come,

But for now slow down and let’s have some fun!

Laughter is contagious and smiling is too,

Who would be better to start something  than little ol’ you,

So put on your smile and make it go viral!!

Smile and Someone Will Smile Back At You!

Thanks for Listening to Thea

Today is my birthday and wouldn’t mind getting older if it wasn’t for…

 ~the mysterious aches and pains that show up out of no where

~the grey hairs that seem to grow out my head over night

~ my skin loosing its elasticity and thinning out

~looking like I’m playing a trombone when trying to read anything now

OH WAIT–getting older STINKS!!!

Thank goodness for my attitude which says I’m barely older than a twenty year old and I can still do anything I want to do!!!!

You know what they say, ‘mind over matter’ so if I don’t mind it doesn’t matter!

Just hoping that’s not my dementia setting in!  😉

Thanks for Listening to Thea